Friday, December 21, 2012

Happy Weekend!!!

Styling by Chocolate Creative Design 

Happy Weekend Everyone!!

This past weekend was full of mourning..
this weekend will be full of celebrating!

This week...
I got to do a little chocolate cake baking with the lovely Miss S..
(the beauty in the image above)
Had a scrumptious lunch with my Mom for her birthday...
Finished and mailed out the Glitter House...
Ate some homemade milk and cookies via the Monster..
Wished two of my favorite ladies a Happiest of Birthdays..
Miss O who turns double digits
Auntie Lisa who gets to watch her husband's band, The Bogmen, play at the Best Buy Theatre in NYC tonight..
(order me a 7 & 7 lady..)

One of the best parts of the week..
The Holiday Cards..
Boy did they arrive in droves...
Ours get proudly hung in our side entry for ALL to see and admire..
Image via Chocolate Creative Design

Now one might think that I would design and send out our own card..
Sadly that hasn't happened in about 7 years...

I guess I'm too busy designing everyone else's cards..
But we LOVE getting them so keep on sending them!!
I especially appreciated Miss Elizabeth's and Miss Melissa's wonderfully kind words regarding this crazy little blog of mine..
Thank you Ladies!!

So start working on the wishes friends..
You know what they say...
 that it's the time of year when miracles can happen...

Be Safe, Light a Candle and Make a Wish and 
Have a Great Weekend!!

1 comment:

  1. Leave room for my New Year's card .... it's coming soon! xo
