Card by Local Wisdom Cards

Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Tuesday Typeface...Monsters...
In just 3 short days..
Your streets will be filled with millions of Little Monsters!!
Monster Alphabet poster by Pini Piru
Monday, October 28, 2013
a little glitter to start your week...
Who says Halloween can't be chock full of bling and glitter?
Personally, I would rather be Glenda any day of the week..
DIY Spider & Rhinestone Pumpkin at BHG
Silver Spiderweb Eyelashes at Costume Craze
DIY Glittered Pumpkins at Yesterdays Sweetheart
DIY Glitter Spiderwebs at Centsational Girl
a little glitter to start your week,
Friday, October 25, 2013
Happy Weekend!!!!
Image by Chocolate Creative Design
Happy Weekend Everyone!!!
Miss Ice Cube decided to join the party after all!!
Thankfully just in time as the weather took a turn this morning and all my ladies woke up with a glittery white coat and finally said goodbye..
Baseball season ended last evening...
I am so proud of the Monster who has turned into quite the baseball player!
Who knew that all those years of rock throwing would morph my magical little beast into a stellar pitcher!!
Baseball fever is NOT over..
I do happen to have a house full of Red Sox fans (much to my chagrin) and the Tall One is sporting quite the beard proving his allegiance!!
Days are getting shorter and the nights are getting colder..
and I am feverishly trying to wrap up a rather delicious Save the Date...
I will definitely find the time to celebrate..
Image by Chocolate Creative Design
someones 5th month birthday starting tomorrow..
Time is sure flying fast my friends...
We still need to grab a bit of Fall before it disappears..
Clyde's Cider Donuts
Jumping in leaf piles
Decorating pumpkins
Long walks on the beach
Admiring Mother Nature's last colorful hurrah before a long winter's sleep..
Be Safe, Pick a Pumpkin and Have a Great Weekend!!
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Monday, October 21, 2013
a little glitter to start your week...
The Monster may have lost out on the winning fish this year..
and so did I
as this Sparkle Fish necklace from Anthropologie is no longer..
with a little patience..
There might be something waiting for you around the corner..
Like this Shellscale necklace from Anthropologie...
Friday, October 18, 2013
Happy Weekend!!
Print Ad created by Colle & McVoy
Happy Weekend Everyone!!!
The boys are gearing up...
Polishing the trophy, organizing their tackle boxes, ordering up the eels and preparing the coffee and hot chocolate as it's gonna be a long long night...
A night under a full moon...a Hunter's Moon to be exact..
Supposedly the word on the street is that there will be a penunmbral lunar eclipse.
There will also be laughter, family, good food and maybe even a teeny tiny bit of frustration...
with perseverance and patience..
the possibilities are endless....
I cannot tell a lie..
I am extremely biased...
I am rooting for my Little Fish Whisperer...
Bring it Home Monster..
Bring it Home..
Even if the trophy doesn't come back home...
I think maybe it's about time to creatively display their wares..
Image via House to Home
Speaking of Big Fishes....
and perseverance and patience..
under the light of a Full Moon..
an amazing movie will be opening..
a movie in which..
my gorgeously super deliciously talented cousin, Jay Huguley,
just so happens to have a role in..
How wonderfully dreamy...
Jay at the 12 Years a Slave premiere
Photo by Brian To
I am so over the moon for him..
I am doing cartwheels upon cartwheels..
Being a creative is a tough job...
Giving up so much of oneself is a taxing life..
2013 definitely seems to be HIS year as I have already seen him in Treme, Nashville and next Tuesday..
Wait for it..
Wait for it..
So perserve and be patient my friends...
Dreams DO come true...
Be Safe, Get OUT and see 12 Years a Slave and Have a Great Weekend!!
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Tuesday Typeface....Hooking Up...
Hooking Up Alphabet created by Natalie Orgeron
It's time...
The boys are gearing up for this weekend's Wesson Fishing Tournament...
Last year, the Monster won the whole shebang!!
Hooks and lures are meticulously arranged and cleaned..
Go Monster GO!!!
Monday, October 14, 2013
a little glitter to start your week...
Do you think Cassiopeia helped Mr. Columbus on his adventures?
If only I had these Cassiopeia Heels from BHLDN
there would be nothing but fabulous adventures awaiting me!!!
a little glitter to start your week,
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Monday, October 7, 2013
a little glitter to start your week....
If only I had the gumption to wear these spectacular
If I did..
I would also go back in time and tell my 20-something year old self..
"Get rid of those ridiculous over sized clothes and slip into a pair of these India Hicks Microshorts"
Because you can!
a little glitter to start your week,
india hicks,
Friday, October 4, 2013
Happy Weekend!!
Image by Helena Ljunggren
Happy Weekend Everyone!!!
The Northeast has had a simply glorious first week of Fall..
There is absolutely nothing to complain about with temperatures reaching up into the mid 80's.
With that said..
The cutting garden is still hanging in there and is bursting with brilliant shades of pink, orange, yellow, red, purple and white..
Back in May, I spoke about a beautiful brown paper box that had just arrived from White Flower Farm containing one of my obsessions..
7 types to be a exact..
A week full of Dahlias..
So here we go folks..
the fruits of my labor...
Image by Chocolate Creative Design
I honestly can't believe that they ALL survived!!
I created a little cheat sheet for all you Dahlia lovers..
Gorgeous pinks that change as it blooms. Doesn't need staking. Medium in height and flower. Not a huge amount of blooms.
Karma Corona
This is the only Dahlia that wasn't the same color as in the brochure. Very Tall. Definitely needs staking. Medium in bloom size and a generous amount of blooms.
American Dawn
One of my favorites. Colors range from brilliant oranges to muted shades of pink. Large in size and bloom. Generous amount of blooms. Needs staking.
Kenora Jubilee
The largest in everything...Height, bloom size and the amount of blooms.. The blooms can get to be the size of a baby's head..
Stands tall and proud and doesn't need staking.
Thomas Edison
Very short in plant stature..Blooms droop a bit but absolutely stunning in color.
The MOST beautiful..
Very very delicate blooms..Not as generous in the amount of blooms.
First to open.
I knew you guys were too smart for your own good...
Yes, there are only 6 Dahlias in the image above..
Lucky Number 7, Miss Ice Cube,
has been a bit shy and I am eagerly awaiting her arrival..
If she looks anything like her picture..
I know that I'll be the happiest gardener in town..
Image by White Flower Farm
I am already planning next year's additions...
Apparently the early bird gets the tuber at White Flower Farm..
Maybe a few Cafe au Laits would do the trick..
It just goes to show you..
Take a chance, try something new...
There are truly beautiful and amazing things that await..
If only you let go of the fear
Be Safe, Plant a Tuber and Have a Great Weekend!!
happy weekend,
white flower farm
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Tuesday Typeface....Mums the Word..
I am a lucky duck that my garden is still full of Snaps, Dahlias and Zinnias..
since it's Fall we are just in time for Chrysanthemums!!
Chrysanthemum Alphabet by Eleanor Reynolds
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