Monday, December 27, 2010

A little glitter to start your week...

Well, we may have not had a white christmas but we certainly had a white snowy day after christmas in the Northeast. Personally, I think it allows the magic to last just a little bit longer..
Right after Christmas, I seem to have visions of glitter instead of sugarplums dance in my head..
New Year's Eve is the only time where it's totally acceptable to wear lots and lots of glitter!
I found this Vintage 70's dress from The Olive Shoppe on Etsy for $52.00.....These days, I am not feeling the sleeveless look, so I thought that this would be the perfect substitute ..not to mention chock a block full of glitter!
Only problem...I am not an xs...but a girl can dream can't she!! Maybe someone out there just happens to be!
So I put together a glittery ensemble just in case.....

Classic me...Earrings and shoes are always something I hem and haw about...
I couldn't help but share all the others I found on my search..
Can't a girl have a few changes per evening??

Shoes are definitely my downfall...Do you stay safe or try and be a little adventurous!

So how glittery will you be this New Years Eve??

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